Statistics for July – Theros Block action

It’s been a while since my last post. A little too long not to have something new to write about 😀


At the beginning of July I started taking notes on how my performance was on MTGO. At the time I was playing only Phantom Sealed Theros Block events. I was doing ok, since my goal was to win more rounds and matches than I lost.


Win percentages

The numbers from July where:

Type Played Won Win percentage
Events 9 1 11,1%
Rounds 26 15 57,7%
Matches 60 34 56,7%

That at least shows me that I accomplished my aforementioned goal 🙂


Color distribution

I also did some statistics on the deck color distribution and their individual win rates:

 Guild (Color) Wins Losses Rounds Win percentage
Azorius (WU) 2 1 3 66,67%
Selesnya (WG) 1 1 2 50,00%
Izzet (UR) 3 3 6 50,00%
Simic (UG) 6 3 9 66,67%
Golgari (BG) 3 3 6 50,00%

The sample size may be too small to be able say anything conclusive about, but it does shed some light on how I’m performing. M15 has already been released and I’ll continue keeping track of the events I play.


Until next time, may your mana curve be smooth and efficient 😉